I've been blogging about 4 years now, but my posts don't show up on the forum I spend the most time on, Ravelry. So I decided to try the most popular blog creator & see what happens. The thought of losing all those years of posts at the "other place" is annoying ....I just know that I am going to find using this new blog format very frustrating. Anyhoo, this is a pic I took of some beautiful 'Early Cheer' jonquils which are growing in my garden right now. They are heavily perfumed and I love them. There's a big bunch of them in a vase in my bedroom and it smells delicious. See? Already I am having trouble ~ I can't even get the font right!!
Sue, did you try to import your posts from your other blog? I think you need to do it upon setup, but you'll only lose this one post that way.