I've known about this product for many months and even bought a bottle of 30 caps about 4 months ago, but was too much of a scaredy cat to try them. After reading about all the success othe
rs with the same issues as me were having with them, about 4 weeks ago, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and try the ones I had. I started off by taking one with lunch each day for 4 days, just to see what would happen. Then one with breakfast (as well as lunch) for another 3 days. By the end of the first week I was taking one with each meal. Do they help? Oh, yes, indeed they do! The biggest improvement I've noticed is that I don't get the severe nightime reflux which could mean I'd be woken with a mouthful of stomach acid at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. Yuck! It hasn't gone completely, but it doesn't happen every night & it's nowhere near as severe. I take Nexium (a PPI) but it didn't help with the reflux during the night. This might be TMI, but I am also having normal BMs - something which hasn't happened for a long time! If you decide to give these a try, you might notice that you will fart a bit more than usual and your BMs could be really, really rank. LOL To me this means that the digestive enzymes are doing their thing. They don't necessarily mean that you can eat whatever you want in large quantities. You still need to be careful with your diet. Some people have reported that they can eat whatever they like, but I'm not one of them. However, I haven't had any 'episodes' and I feel well. The best way to use DS is to have a few bites of your meal, then take the capsule. People who eat more than one course should take another DS prior to the last course [apparently]. There are absolutely no fillers or other nasties in this formula, but check it out for yourself.
You can read about Digest Spectrum and buy it from here:
and here:
Amazon sells DS but they won't ship to Australia, unfortunately. There are also sellers on American eBay who seem reliable. It's not available in Australia and there is nothing exactly the same here. I now have my own drug store supply!! Here's hoping it continues to work as well.

You can read about Digest Spectrum and buy it from here:
and here:
Amazon sells DS but they won't ship to Australia, unfortunately. There are also sellers on American eBay who seem reliable. It's not available in Australia and there is nothing exactly the same here. I now have my own drug store supply!! Here's hoping it continues to work as well.
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