Monday, January 30, 2012

Lanark Park Scots Dragoon

After Jethro left my life, I was devastated. I knew I would be upset, what I wasn't prepared for was the on-going raw grief and how much I still miss him. My DH was worried about me as I literally cried for days. I couldn't sleep. I needed something to keep my mind occupied; as well as keeping me actively engaged. My retired old (26 yo) Pinto, Diablo, keeps me fairly busy but I decided I might like to start riding again. To make sure this wasn't a whim I went on a few rides at Ironbark Trail Rides and decided I would start looking for another riding horse. DH & I spent days, weeks, driving to look at horses for sale. What a wasted and very frustrating exercise!! There were quite a few false starts and mistakes made on my part. Then finally, after about six weeks, I went to see the boy in the above pics. He was in very poor condition, he hadn't dropped his winter coat yet, his pot belly told me he had a heavy worm burden, his feet & teeth were in dreadful condition ... but I bought him anway! After I rode him and spent an hour or so with him I knew I could not leave him the 'care' of the mongrel who was selling him. The first photo was taken the day after he arrived at our property. The next one, where he's gleaming like a gold ingot, was taken 5 weeks later. He didn't have a name when I got him. 'Palomino' is a Spanish word and we already have Diablo (The Devil). I decided to name the new horse Diego .. so now we have God and The Devil in the back paddock. LOL
I tracked down Diego's background, age and registered name (using his brands and markings) through the Arabian Horse Society. Finding out how old he really is was a bit of a shock, but he is a very young 25 yo. He has put on even more condition since the second pic above and he is looking fan.tas.tic. I ride him 3-4 times a week, but he doesn't cope with the hot days too well so on those days we both have a rest. He is quiet & sensible to ride. His 75% Arabian blood gives him a bit of fiestiness which he hasn't lost. He is good in traffic and nothing much really fazes him. I always feel good when I get back from a ride in the bush and the old boy enjoys it too.

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